Blog Part 20 - Linslade Canal Festival 2018

When we arrived at Linslade we were told, "It starts at 10am and finishes at 5pm" They were not wrong, apart from some torrential rain, a mini hurricane and some tree sap that covered the roof in a non removable glue, it did indeed start at 10am and promptly finished at 5pm, but it was non stop and well worth the visit.

Tiddenfoot waterside park must be a popular location, however the canal only tends to see the usual bike commuters and dog walkers except once a year when the one day festival is on. The people from Linslade venture off the Lake and stroll along the canal gazing at all the boats in their livery and selling their wares

We were delighted to have Phil Underwood from the Bonnet & Belt Theatre Company spend a short while entertaining our customers on the front deck of the Beerboat

After the busy day at Linslade we spent a few days winding down and getting a few jobs done, including re-stocking for Blisworth Festival which was next on our list.

Blog Post 19                              Blog Post 21